Electronic toll collection is an automatic way to collect tolls through a device called a transponder. When you pass underneath the toll gantry, the transponder is read and your account is debited with the toll amount.

The Houbolt Road Extension will accept I-PASS and E-ZPass to maximize convenience for consumers and deliver the lowest travel fee. Vehicles without a registered I-PASS or E-ZPass will be mailed an invoice for their travel fees to the address on file with the Department of Motor Vehicles. Multi-axle trucks and vehicles with trailers will be charged based on vehicle class.

There is no toll plaza to slow traffic. Each transaction will be photographed for accuracy and transaction verification.​

The tolling gantry is located at fill in location here.

No – all posted rates are valid 24/7 with no additional fees for morning or evening commuting hours.

If I don't have an E-ZPass/I-PASS or Pay by Plate account, will I get a ticket for crossing the bridge?

No cash, no problem! All vehicles are welcomed on the Houbolt Road Extension. I-PASS and E-ZPass offers the lowest travel rates, but vehicles without an active transponder will receive an invoice for tolls during travel within a few weeks after crossing.

There are no toll booths for cash payments. This is an "open road" tolling facility, meaning there will be no stopping at toll booths. The payment options are either I-PASS, E-ZPass or Pay by Plate (invoice in the mail).

Tolling collection began on April 15, 2023. Visit the Tolling page for a complete list of current and past toll rates.​

Visit the Tolling page for a complete list of current and past toll rates.​

Toll rates are subject to change; typically, rate updates occur annually at the start of the year.

If you do not have an I-PASS or E-ZPass and your vehicle crosses the toll gantry, you will be charged the Pay by Plate rate. The license plate image that is captured by the overhead cameras is used to obtain the vehicle owner information from the Department of Motor Vehicles of the state where the vehicle is registered. It is strongly suggested users get an I-PASS/E-ZPass transponder for the lowest rate.

There are additional administrative costs to process Pay by Plate transactions. These added costs are included in the Pay by Plate rate. It is strongly suggested that drivers get an I-PASS/E-ZPass transponder for the lowest rate.

It can take up to 48 hours for Houbolt Road Extension transactions to post to your I-PASS account.

If you are paying the toll via Pay by Plate, an invoice will be mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle as recorded by the Department of Motor Vehicles. (It is important to keep your information up to date with the Department of Motor Vehicles.) If someone else was driving the vehicle, the registered owner will be liable for the tolls and fees.

All Houbolt Road Extension transactions are recorded by the video capture system for verification. If you have a valid I-PASS/E-ZPass with available funds, you will only be billed for your trip at the current I-PASS/E-ZPass rate.

If you feel that you received an invoice in error, please verify that your I-PASS/E-ZPass account was in good standing and that your license plate was properly listed on your I-PASS/E-ZPass account on the date and time of the toll(s).

Yes, the electronic tolling equipment incorporates multi-angle camera images which capture all vehicles in all lanes, including shoulders, to determine their class, read I-PASS/E-ZPass transponders and capture license plate numbers.

Yes, if you did not have sufficient funds in your I-PASS/E-ZPass account at the time of travel, the registered owner will be mailed an invoice for the Pay by Plate rate for each toll.

I-PASS/E-ZPass customers are required to have their transponder properly mounted in their vehicle when going through a toll facility. However, we will attempt to deduct the toll from your I-PASS/E-ZPass account using your license plate information.

To ensure the toll can be deducted from your I-PASS/E-ZPass account, please register the license plate information for each of your vehicles and maintain a positive balance in your account. It is strongly recommended that each vehicle using a toll facility regularly has its own transponder.

The I-PASS/E-ZPass must be properly updated with license plate information, and have enough funds to cover the toll, at the time of travel. Adding funds to your balance or making updates to the license plate information after the travel date/time, will not retroactively process the toll to your I-PASS/E-ZPass account.

Department of Motor Vehicles database services are utilized to identify vehicle registration information based on the license plate number used to cross the bridge. The invoices are mailed via the United States Postal Service to the registered owner of the vehicle using the address provided by the DMV. It is each owner’s responsibility to ensure vehicle registration data is accurate and up to date to facilitate timely invoicing.

Note: Drivers of leased vehicles and members of the military may have invoices sent to the leasing company or home of record address if that is the address provided by the DMV.

Pay online:​

Pay by mail:    Houbolt Road Extension

                               PO Box 00000000

                               City, State Zip 00000

Pay by phone:  Toll Free (800) 555-5555 (M-F 8 AM - 6 PM CT)

Invoices are mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle at the time of the toll transaction. Please contact the Houbolt Road Extension Customer Service Center to review any billing concern. Excluding most federal holidays, customer service representatives are available on weekdays from 8am to 6 pm CT by calling toll-free 800-555-5555.

About the Houbolt Road Extension

A privately owned and operated tolled 1.5-mile roadway/bridge project. The project limits extend from the existing Houbolt Road/US 6 intersection south to the Schweitzer Road/Houbolt Road intersection.

The project will create a new access point to facilitate the efficient flow of traffic and the safety of the motoring public.

Construction began in March 2020 and the project will be completed in Spring 2023.

The Houbolt Road Extension Joint Venture, LLC (or HRE-JV) is financing the design and construction of the project.

The Houbolt Road Extension JV, LLC is a business partnership between CenterPoint Properties and United Bridge Partners.

The HRE-JV will use an open road all-electronic toll system integrated with I-PASS and E-ZPass. Read More

The HRE-JV is focused on advancing the Houbolt Road Extension project. We do not have any affiliation with any other bridge-related projects in Will County or the surrounding Joliet area.

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